











try to do?try to do sth和try doing sth的区别

来源:择校网   时间:2023-11-22

一、try to do sth和try doing sth的区别

1、这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下try to do sth和try doing sth的区别:

2、"Try to do sth"表示尝试去做某事,强调的是动作或行为的尝试;"try doing sth"表示尝试做某事,并体验这个过程,强调试验或尝试某个行动。根据语境和所要表达的意思,选择合适的表达方式。

3、在通过一个表格来了解一下try to do sth和try doing sth吧😎:

4、*例子1: He will try to solve the math problem before the class ends.(他会在课程结束前尝试解决这个数学问题。)

5、*例子2: She tried to convince her parents to let her go on the trip.(她努力说服父母让她去旅行。)

6、*例子1: If you have never tried skiing before, you should try doing it during your winter vacation.(如果你以前从未尝试过滑雪,你应该在寒假期间尝试一下。)

7、*例子2: I tried baking a cake for the first time, and it was a fun experience.(我第一次尝试烤蛋糕,这是一次有趣的经历。)

8、*例子1: The students will try to win the debate competition next week.(学生们将努力赢得下周的辩论比赛。)

9、*例子2: He is trying to learn how to play the guitar in his free time.(他在空闲时间努力学习弹吉他。)

10、*例子1: She tried calling her friend, but he didn't answer the phone.(她试着给朋友打电话,但他没有接电话。)

11、*例子2: I tried talking to my boss about the issue, but he didn't seem interested.(我试着和老板谈论这个问题,但他似乎不感兴趣。)

12、*例子1: She will try to finish the report by the end of the day.(她会努力在今天结束前完成这份报告。)

13、*例子2: They are trying to save enough money for their dream vacation.(他们正努力存够钱去实现他们的梦想假期。)

14、*例子1: I tried cooking a new recipe yesterday, and it turned out to be delicious.(昨天我尝试做了一个新食谱,结果很美味。)

15、*例子2: They tried hiking in the mountains for the first time and enjoyed the experience.(他们第一次尝试在山上徒步旅行,很享受这个经历。)

16、*例子1: He will try to apologize to his friend for the misunderstanding.(他会试着向朋友道歉,解释误解。)

17、*例子2: She is trying to find a part-time job to earn some extra money.(她正在努力找一份兼职工作,赚点额外的钱。)

18、*例子1: They tried snorkeling for the first time and were amazed by the underwater world.(他们第一次尝试浮潜,被海底世界所吸引。)

19、*例子2: I tried learning a new language online, but it was challenging.(我尝试在线学习一门新语言,但是很有挑战性。)

二、try to do 和try doing 的区别

try to do和try doing的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。

1、try to do:try的基本意思是“试用”“努力”,指为完成某工作或验证某事实的目的而付出努力或作出尝试,但不指冒险做某事。try可作“考验”“磨炼”解,指用令人感到痛苦的人或事对某人的精神和肉体施加压力以测其忍耐力或自我控制力。

2、try doing:try还可作“审讯”“审理”解,指人的罪过与清白的证实过程,而非结论,也可表示“检验”事物的真伪、价值、强度与效力等。try既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、wh-从句作宾语。

1、try to do:侧重努力,为了达到目的而努力。

2、try doing:只是一种新的尝试。

三、try to do和try doing有什么区别

try to do sth和try doing sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。

1.try to do sth:基本意思是“试用”“努力”,指为完成某工作或验证某事实的目的而付出努力或作出尝试,但不指冒险做某事。

try to do?try to do sth和try doing sth的区别

2.try doing sth:try既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、wh-从句作宾语。

1.try to do sth:只是一种新的尝试,并没有一定明显的目的性。

2.try doing sth:正在尝试做某事,已经着手。

四、try to do sth 和try doing sth 有什么区别

"try to do sth"表示努力或着手尝试去做某事。而"try doing sth"表示尝试通过进行某项活动来达到某个目的。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

"Try to do something"的意思是尝试或努力去完成或达成某事。

"Try doing something"的意思是尝试通过做某事来获得经验、了解或测试结果。

I'll try to finish the project by tomorrow.(我会努力在明天完成这个项目。)

She decided to try dancing as a form of exercise.(她决定尝试跳舞作为一种锻炼方式。)

"Try to do something"后接不定式(to 动词原形),表示目标或意图。

"Try doing something"后接动名词(动词-ing形式),表示以此方式进行尝试。

He tried to fix the broken window.(他试图修理坏掉的窗户。)

You should try taking a hot bath to relax.(你应该尝试洗个热水澡来放松。)

"Try to do something"通常用于表达具体的行动或任务。

"Try doing something"更常用于建议、探索和尝试新事物。

I will try to call her later.(我会尽量给她打电话。)

Why don't you try learning a musical instrument?(你为什么不尝试学习一种乐器呢?)

"Try to do something"侧重于个人或特定行动的努力。

"Try doing something"侧重于通过实际尝试来获得经验或了解。

They tried to convince him to join their team.(他们努力说服他加入他们的团队。)

Let's try going to a different restaurant this time.(这次让我们试试去一家不同的餐馆吧。)

"Try to do something"表示更强调目标和尽力的意愿。

"Try doing something"表示更强调通过尝试体验或测试来获取结果。

He will try to win the competition.(他会努力赢得比赛。)

I'll try eating sushi for the first time.(我会尝试第一次吃寿司。)

好了,文章到这里就结束啦,如果本次分享的try to do和try to do sth和try doing sth的区别问题对您有所帮助,还望关注下本站哦!


2023-11-26 20:31:43
2023年招生 在线咨询










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