











show me the meaning of being lonely show me the meaning of being lonely英文歌词、翻译

来源:择校网   时间:2023-11-22

一、show me the meaning of being lonely英文歌词、翻译

1、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

2、so many words for the broken heart心碎有太多的言语来形容

3、it is hard to see in a crimson love在绯红的爱情却无法看见

4、walk with me, and maybe伴我前行,也许

5、nights of light so soon become光线即将穿透黑暗

6、wild and free i could feel the sun在自由和狂野里我能感觉到太阳

7、your every wish will be done你的每一个愿望都将实现

8、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

9、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

10、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

11、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

12、life goes on as it never ends生命的步伐永无止境

13、eyes of stone observe the trends石头冷眼看潮来潮去

14、they never say forever gaze它们凝视无语

15、guilty roads to an endless love罪恶的道路通往没有尽头的爱

16、are you with me now你现在伴在我的身边吗

17、your every wish will be done你每一个愿望都将实现

18、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

19、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

20、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

21、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

22、there is nowhere to run无处可逃

23、surrender my heart body and soul包围着我的心我的灵魂

24、how can it be you are asking me to feel the things you never show你从来没有给过的你怎么叫我感觉得到呢

25、you are missing in my heart我的心迷失了你

26、tell me why i can not be there where you are为什么我不能在你的身边呢

27、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

28、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

29、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

30、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

31、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

32、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

33、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

34、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

二、show me the meaning of being lonely的中文歌词

1、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

2、so many words for the broken heart心碎有太多的言语来形容

3、it is hard to see in a crimson love在绯红的爱情却无法看见

4、walk with me, and maybe伴我前行,也许

5、nights of light so soon become光线即将穿透黑暗

6、wild and free i could feel the sun在自由和狂野里我能感觉到太阳

7、your every wish will be done你的每一个愿望都将实现

8、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

9、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

10、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

11、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

12、life goes on as it never ends生命的步伐永无止境

13、eyes of stone observe the trends石头冷眼看潮来潮去

14、they never say forever gaze它们凝视无语

15、guilty roads to an endless love罪恶的道路通往没有尽头的爱

16、are you with me now你现在伴在我的身边吗

17、your every wish will be done你每一个愿望都将实现

18、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

19、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

20、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

21、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

22、there is nowhere to run无处可逃

23、surrender my heart body and soul包围着我的心我的灵魂

24、how can it be you are asking me to feel the things you never show你从来没有给过的你怎么叫我感觉得到呢

25、you are missing in my heart我的心迷失了你

26、tell me why i can not be there where you are为什么我不能在你的身边呢

27、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

28、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

29、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

30、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

31、show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛

32、is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗

33、tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边

34、there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么

三、show me the meaning of being lonely歌词表达的意思是什么

1、brian的先天心脏病 Howie失去姐姐 kevin失去父亲 aj的女友 NN与女友分手

2、【转载】SHOW ME [MV]——BSB the Dark Night in Loneliness

3、I’ve been eager to write these down for a long time.

4、The stories R based on true experiences of our Boys. However, there’s about 30% is made up by myself.

5、I really hope someone can be moved by the sadness of the Boys. Anyway, I was moved by it.







12、show me the meaning of being lonely

13、Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely告诉我孤独的意义

14、So many words for the broken heart受伤的心有太多想说的话

15、It's hard to see in a crimson love很难在深红色的爱中看到

16、Walk with me,and maybe和我一起走,也许

17、Night of light so soon become夜间的灯太快变成

18、Wlid and free I could feel the sun狂野自由我可以感受到太阳

19、Your every wish will be done你的每个愿望都会实现

20、Show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我孤独的意义

21、Is this the feeling I need to walk with是我需要走下去的这种感觉吗

22、Tell me why I can't be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你在的地方

23、There's something missing in my heart我心中遗失了一些东西

24、Life goes on as it never ends生命不息像是从不结束

25、Eyes of stone observe the trends岩石眼睛可以洞悉趋势

26、They never say forever gaze,if only它们从不说永远凝视,只有

27、Guilty roads ti an endless love通往无尽的爱的有罪之路

28、There's no control无法控制

29、Are you with me now现在你和我在一起

30、You every wish will be done你的每个愿望都会实现

31、There's nowhere to run无路可逃

show me the meaning of being lonely show me the meaning of being lonely英文歌词、翻译

32、I have no place to go我无处可去

33、Surrender my heart,body and soul我的心,身体和灵魂投降了

34、How can it be you're asking me如何能够像你问我的那样

35、to feel the things you never show感受到你从来没有展示过的东西

36、You are missing in my heart我想念你

37、Tell me why I can't be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你在的地方



2023-11-26 20:10:05
2023年招生 在线咨询










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