来源:择校网 时间:2024-01-25 19:51:31
例如:刚刚结束的9月21日的托福考试,阅读第一篇文章介绍了珊瑚礁的产生缘由,完全重复了2016年6月25日的托福阅读文章The Origin of Coral Reefs;
又如9月22日的托福考试中,其中有一篇文章介绍了欧洲的农业发展,重复了2017年12月9日的托福阅读文章,也与TPO23-2 Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture讲解的内容非常类似。
Surpass=overcome, exceed, transcend, top…
Advantageous=beneficial, favorable, helpful, useful, conducive…
Obscure=unknown, fuzzy, dark, vague…
Myriad=countless, innumerable…
Assert=maintain, submit, advocate, insist…
其实,托福听力的难度一直居高不下。与2017-2018年相比, 2019年的考试一次会有 3-4套题目,这四套题目中的难度不是完全平均的,而且总体的难度都不低,体现在三个方面:
1. Some people think historical sites should be open to the general public, but some people think historical sites should only be open to experts and researchers. Which do you think it better.
2. Nowadays, lots of students have already buy their own computer, do you think it is good for university to offer campus-own computers?
3. Agree or disagree: We should always tell our parents and friends where we are and what we are doing?
4. Some schools decide to cancel winter and summer breaks so that children can stay in school all year round. Do you think this is a good idea or not?
5. Do you agree or disagree that students would learn more if the teachers assign them with more schoolwork?
6. Some people like to purchase a product they like as soon as the product is available in the market, some however, prefer to wait until the price of the product becomes more accessible. Which way do you prefer?
7. What is your opinion on the following statement: students should be allowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms?
8. When meeting problems in daily life, some like to solve it in a serious way while others tend to deal with these setbacks in a humorous way. Which way do you think is better? Give your explanations in your response.
9. If the following two things overlap with each other, which would you prefer: dinner together with your family or attend your friends’ party on the weekend?
10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important element of a successful school is experienced teachers.
Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty, higher tax and larger fine of these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer?
而9月1日的托福写作独立题:Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than it was in the past.有关生活类话题的考察,也是重复了2017年8月26日的托福考试独立写作题目。
这里我们特别重点关注一下9月21日的托福考试独立写作题目,Should spend money to build a garden for everyone in the town or a sports field for a high school?这个政府类话题分别在重复2013.12.20/ 2012.9.8/ 2011.3.11的托福考试中出现了3次,所以我们也不难发现,托福独立写作题目也会不断的出现旧题,这更加体现出了考前刷机经的重要性。
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
The use of devices that can be connected to the internet, like computers, phones and ipads, should be prohibited from the classroom.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
2. People are busy in work or school. They want to spend time on learning new things. Which one will you choose to learn?
a) Learn a sport that you have never played before.
b) Learn to cook food that you haven’t prepared before.
c) Learn to make something by hand, such as clothing or jewelry.
3. Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently.
4. Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit? a) To accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community b) Learning to play a sport c) Learning to play a musical instrument
5. Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not?
6. Which way do you think is the most effective way for a school to reduce the phenomenon of cheating on exams? a) to increase punishment for cheating b) to ask parents to monitor their children c) to ask teachers to create other exam situations in which students can hardly cheat
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The most important ways to improve the people’s health is to clean the environment.
8. Do you agree or disagree the following statement: The more money a person has, the more should he or she give away to charities.
9. High school graduates usually have two months’ break before they go to college or university. The high school now requires all the graduates to do one of the following to take full advantage of this break.
a) Students need to attend classes to complete university-level courses that have direct connection to their majors of study.
b) Students need to join a team led by their teacher to visit museums or historical sites and write a paper about it.
Which one do you think is more beneficial for students? Why?
10. If your friend want to reduce living expenses, what would you suggest a) share rent with roommate b) less frequency to buy smart phones
c) buy less expensive food and cook at home.
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