来源:福建农林大学 时间:2025-01-25 12:10:34
讲座题目:Contribution of Transportation Infrastructure Development on Regional Growth
主讲人: Euijune Kim
Euijune Kim 是韩国首尔大学农业经济与农村发展系城市与区域经济学教授。他目前担任首尔大学区域研究与空间分析融合专业项目(Integrated Program in Regional Studies and Spatial Analytics )主席。Kim 教授拥有康奈尔大学区域科学博士学位,擅长城市与区域经济学、空间与基础设施政策、投入产出和可计算一般均衡模型等领域。他的研究成果广泛发表在该领域的主要期刊上,包括 Risk Analysis, Journal of Transport Geography, Papers in Regional Science, Urban Studies, Real Estate Economics等。Kim 教授目前是美国西部区域科学协会副会长,曾担任 Annals of Regional Science, the International Journal of Urban Sciences,Journal of Korea Planning Association 等SSCI、KCI期刊的主编。他还担任美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(Regional Economics Applications Laboratory)、内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校( Public Policy and Leadership )、日本九州大学( Faculty of Economics )、香港大学( Urban Planning and Design )的客座教授。
This study explores the impact of transportation infrastructure development on regional growth, with a focus on the theoretical role of distance in urban and regional economics. We propose and apply a Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model to 229 urban and rural areas in Korea. Our analysis specifically examines the changes in Korea's spatial economic structure following reductions in travel times between Seoul and its three major southern cities. The findings of this research are used to discuss and suggest potential directions for regional policy. This paper contributes to the understanding of infrastructure's role in spatial economic dynamics and policy development.