来源:厦门大学 时间:2025-01-26 08:18:46
报告题目:Copper and Iron make the difference: Developing Sustainable Photoredox Catalyzed Transformations
报告时间:2024-10-15 10:00
报告人: Professor Oliver Reiser
University of Regensburg
Copper and Iron make the difference: Developing Sustainable Photoredox Catalyzed Transformations
Oliver Reiser
Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Regensburg Universitätsstr. 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany Oliver.Reiser@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Synthetic organic chemistry undertakes significant efforts to develop new catalytic transformations that utilize greener reagents and avoid stoichiometric additives. In this regard, visible-light photoredox catalysis offers a unique activation mode of molecules, which serves as an alternative to many thermal transition-metals catalyzed reactions. Most photoredoxcatalyzed processes capitalize on heavy metals, namely, Ru(II) or Ir(III)-complexes, which can serve as single electron oxidants or reductants in their photoexcited states. Copper-and iron-based photocatalysts are rapidly emerging, offering not only economic and ecologic advantages but in addition, can interact with substrates beyond electron transfer via inner sphere mechanisms. Emphasizing the principles of inner sphere photoredox catalyzed processes, selected synthetic applications from our laboratory will be discussed, highlighting the opportunities copper- and iron-photocatalysts offer.
Oliver Reiser在汉堡大学、耶路撒冷希伯来大学以及洛杉矶加州大学(UCLA)学习化学,并于1989年在Armin de Meijere教授的指导下获得了博士学位。他在美国圣何塞IBM研究中心与R. Miller博士以及在美国剑桥哈佛大学与D. A. Evans教授共同工作了两年半的时间作为博士后研究员。1992年,他以助理教授的身份转至哥廷根大学,并于1996年成为斯图加特大学的副教授。自1997年起,他在雷根斯堡大学担任有机化学教授,并曾担任副校长职务,目前是负责研究事务的院长。
他的研究小组致力于开发可持续的方法来将可再生资源转化为增值化合物。Reiser教授在学术上取得了诸多荣誉,其中包括:诺华创新有机合成奖、德国科学基金会“创新教学”奖,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)研究学者、印度科学与工业研究委员会(CSIR)讲座教授、卡尔·维纳克(Karl Winnacker)奖等。此外,Reiser教授已发表了超过300篇的研究论文,发表在Science、Chem. Rev.、Chem. Soc. Rev.、JACS、ACIE等顶级期刊上。他的H指数为77,并且拥有7项专利。他还撰写了25个书籍章节。