











六级作文预测 2014年6月大学英语六级作文预测

来源:择校网   时间:2024-07-01 21:32:04





注:NEET是Not Currently Engaged in Education,Employment or Training或Not in Education,Employment or Trainin9的缩略语,即我们所说的“啃老族”。

Now in China the problem of NEET has been brought into public attention.NEET refers to the group of people who are not currently engaged in education,employment or training,instead they just stay at home,relying on their parents.

There are mainly two reasons for this phenomenon.For one thing, since the expansion of university enrollment in l999,an increasing number of college graduates have poured into the job—hunting market.However, some of them are not fully prepared and become unemployed.For another, some young people are the only child of their family and badly spoilt.As a result,they are psychologically dependent even when they grow up.

To solve this problem,firstlleges or the communities should provide pre-job training courses for the young.Second,parents should cultivate their children's sense of independence in their childhood.Last but not least,college students also have to equip themselves with skills and knowledge and get ready to compete tomorrow.

white-hot Training in the Society


White-hot Training in the Society

A recent survey indicates that all increasingly large number of people attend various training enthusiastically.And there has been a heated argument about whether people should attend it.Different people hold different views due to their financial conditions and personal inclinations. Many people attend various training willingly for the sake of a high mark on the academic records or getting different certificates.As for me.I am in favor of going against training.

For one thing,the aim of training is to help people pass all kinds of examinations and it mainly focuses on the teaching of examination skills, and it never trains people to think creatively and even restricts their efforts in getting command of the knowledge.For another,people spend so much time participating in various training that they cannot spare enough time for the new or creative job.Moreover,the tuition fees of the training are usually high,thus laying great financial burden on people.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying“As long as college students are cautious, real-world experience can greatly benefit their future careers.” You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

The typical college student spends most of his or her time studying and, occasionally, participating in various sports or extracurricular activities. Increasingly, however, it has become common for university students to take on part-time jobs or even start their own businesses prior to graduation.

Students who launch their own businesses or take on part-time jobs can gain valuable insight into their future career path. To illustrate, by taking a summer job as an accountant or marketing analyst, business majors could see whether a particular field interests them on more than an academic level. Despite the benefits to students of“getting their feet wet” in the business world, it is critical to maintain academic studies as a top priority. Students who already have a heavy course load should limit their number of work hours and, if possible, ask for a leave of absence during examination periods.

Ultimately, every student must decide how best to allocate his o her time outside of class. For those with a manageable schedule, exploratory mind and entrepreneurial spirit, work experience prior to graduation can offer important career benefits–not to mention a paycheck.




extracurricular activities课外活动

take on part-time jobs兼职打工

start/launch one’s own businesses创业

gain valuable insight获得清晰的认识

getting their feet wet获益匪浅

ask for a leave of absence请假

with a manageable schedule合理安排时间

entrepreneurial spirit创业理想

offer important benefits使受益匪浅

1.教育部展开对贫困生的贷款资助 2.很多学生不按期还贷款

China’s Ministry of Education has carried out an education loan system for years.Government grants interest-free loan to millions of college students from poor families every year.However,some student debtors fail to repay their loans even many years after graduation.

It is the national priority to push the whole education.in which students from poverty-stricken families have the right to be offered the money and the fair opportunities.Our government has a duty to provide and protect a comprehensive and high-quality education for its entire citizens.On the other hand,the students have to pay back the money after their school days.Otherwise,they,the loan defaulters,lose their credits, which is definitely not the result of our education.

Does High Price Equal High Quality?

Does High Price Equal High Quality?

When asked about how to differentiate good products from bad ones, quite a number of people take it for granted that high price equals high quality.Confronted with uncertainty about the intrinsic value of the productsnsumers simply use the rule of thumb that they understand.They believe that high—quality products need high cost,resulting in high price.In a word,price reflects quality.

However.others who hold the opposite opinion argue that there is no necessary one-to-one correspondence between quality and price.Having been exposed to news about fake products and fraud, many customers come to realize that salesmen also charge high price for low-quality products.They are supported by a recent case that a famous luxury furniture brand is found to cheat customers with low-quality products.

As far as I’m concerned.only when business is transparent,honest and free from deception,can high price equal high quality.Therefore,in the current circumstance,we can't determine the quality of one product solely by its price.

Directions:For this part.you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled My View on Early Childhood Education.Your essay should start with a brief descri ption of the picture.You should write at least l50.words but no more than 200 words.

My View on Early Childhood Education

The he picture presents us a thought—provoking scene.in which a cock is standing on the platform,giving a lecture about higher mathematics.In front of the platform stands a desk,on which lies all egg which has not hatched into a chick.

What an ironical drawing it is! It reveals that an increasing number of parents tend to put too much emphasis on their children’s preschool education. The reason why such phenomenon emerges can be interpreted as follows.On the one hand,from the parents’perspective.children are likely to fall behind when competing with their counterparts if they don't start learning early.On the other hand,since most of the parents today have suffered from lack of knowledge,the enthusiasm of learning more things is naturally transferred to the present generation.

As far as I'm concerned.such kind of early childhood education will pose pressure on the children’s physical and mental health.I suggest that parents should stop putting too much pressure on the children,and the children’education should be based on their nature-being happy. Only with the“natural law”can a child grow up healthily.




the advantages and disadvantages of online car-hailing services

Nowadays, more and more people tend to hail cars online for convenience. However, there are also some accidents which make people doubt the online car-hailing services. In fact, as every coin has two sides, online car-hailing services do have both advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, due to the need of fast travel, hailing a car online becomes an ideal choice for us. Just typing the destination on an application, we will be able to start off quickly. For drivers, it also saves them time and energy to find customers. Meanwhile, part-time drivers can also increase their incomes after 8-hour full-time work.

On the other hand, there are still many defects in the online car-hailing services which should be adjusted. Some guilty drivers ask for excess expense and even murder their customers. Traditional taxi services have been challenged, resulting in their falling profits. Some applications of online car-hailing services refuse to be supervised by the government and have little investigation into the drivers.

Generally speaking, the government should develop strict laws to control the services, in order to provide safer circumstances for both drivers and customers.

how to treat foreign culture correctly

In the world today, globalization has become an irresistible trend. While globalization brings us a lot of convenience and benefits, Chinese culture is also being impacted by foreign cultures. Nowadays, many kinds of foreign cultures have penetrated into every corner of our lives. Consequently, it is of great importance for us to treat foreign culture correctly.

Firstly, we can’t blindly refuse all foreign cultures because they are closely bound up with Chinese economic development. We have more convenient ways of life by using foreign inventions. Secondly, we should choose rationally and apply the excellent achievements of foreign cultures to the new era and make the past serve the present. In addition, on the basis of accepting foreign cultures, we should make innovation, development and breakthrough to cope with the impact and challenge of foreign cultures. As the saying goes,“Take the essence and discard the dregs.”

In conclusion, we must analyze foreign cultures in a scientific attitude and oppose the blind worship and rejection of all foreign cultures, which is the correct way to treat foreign cultures.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying“In today’s world, where college population grows rapidly, a Master’s degree become essential if I wish to compete for a rewarding job.” You can give one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

There are many reasons for my decision to study for postgraduate programs, one of which is the value of a master’s degree. It ensures me a secure future in a society in which college graduates in mounting numbers failed to be employed.

First, there is a recognition that a candidate with a master’s degree will have an competitive advantage over those with only a bachelor’s degree. Five years ago when college population accounted for only 30 percent of the people of the same age, it was easy for a college graduate to get a good job in any field. But now things are quite different. Second, the higher education you have, the higher salary you will receive. Just look at some big companies which compete against each other to recruit skilled personnel.

Briefly speaking, more knowledge means more opportunities. More years of academic studies will help equip you with more knowledge and skills. Then if conditions change, you can slip with comparative ease from one field into another, avoid the pain of waking up to find yourself out of a job.





For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying“It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to always be right by having no ideas at all.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of innovation and creativity. You should write at least 120 words, no more than 180 words.

There is a saying that“It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to always be right by having no ideas at all.” The purpose of the saying is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to innovation and creativity.

To begin with, an attitude of innovation could be said to be the watchword, or motto of science. For example, before a new type of medicine or vaccine is developed, innumerable times of scientific experiment, laboratory tests and live trials must be carried out. In addition, innovation is also responsible for many of today’s business successes. For instance, I personally worked with such a company. It was only after four years and four different tries of varying business models that the entrepreneur finally made his mark, and became the chairman of one of the largest Internet companies.

To sum up, in any field of endeavor, whether it be medicine, engineering or business, it is necessary to first put great emphasis on innovation before one can finally meet with success.




六级写作已经多次考察人生哲理这一话题,如:2012-12:The most dangerous thing is not that computer is beginning to think like man, but is that man is beginning to think like computer.(最危险的事情不是电脑开始像人一样思考,而是人开始像电脑一样思考),2012-12:On Maintaining Trust(关于保持信任)。

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying“The most successful persons may not be the smartest ones.” You can give one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

According to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same college 10 years ago, those whose grade-point average was in the middle fifty percent, all become rich or managers of different fields, while not a single young man of the upper ten percent becomes an executive or boss.

One ingredient, among other things, is good interpersonal skills. With a wide circle of friends who can be trusted to provide information and resources, your chances of success are much higher. On the contrary, if you are competent in your profession, but have difficulty in getting along with your colleagues and even your boss, you can hardly survive the corporation. Another component is the ability toexpress oneself. In today’s world, what really counts is the ability to express oneself rather than technical competence or professional knowledge. The larger the organization of which you are an employee, and the fiercer the competition, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts and convince others of your ideas.

To sum up, according to my observation, academic brightness is only part of the story, the other factors are very important.








2、预测一:A Harmonious Dormitory Life

3、预测二:Students’ Rating of Their Teachers

4、预测三:Should We Help Strangers?

5、预测四:Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private school

6、预测五:Disasters(negative attitudes or positive attitudes)

7、第一段:引出主题 一方观点第二段:另一方观点第三段:个人观点

8、①万能句型:What this thought-provoking drawing mirrors is the phenomenon that…

9、“网络的利与弊”Most of individuals spend too much time on their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world.

10、“环境污染” What this thought-provoking drawing mirrors is the phenomenon that the environment of tourist areas is polluted by tourists.

11、万能句型:The phenomenon of… has been known for years.某种现象或问题普遍存在或由来已久。

12、 The problem of tourist pollution has been known for years in today’s China.

13、“追星” The phenomenon of idolatry has been known for years in today’s China.

14、“过度开采“ The phenomenon of overexploitation has been known for years in today’s China.

15、② There is no consensus of opinions among people regarding whether 主题句.


17、 Some people hold the attitude that 主题句的肯定或否定.

18、 Some individuals are under the impression that 主题句的肯定或否定.

19、④原因如下:1,2,3…The reasons can be listed as follows.

20、 Just as an old Arab proverb says,“Every coin has its two sides”.

21、 Just as an old Arab proverb says,“Every sword has its two edges.”

22、②提出另一方观点:On the contrary, others are under the impression that…

23、③分论点:There are some reasons behind this attitude.

24、① From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the former opinion rather than the latter one.

25、② From what has been discussed above, we may naturally arrive at the conclusion that…

26、③Generally speaking, it is high time that we placed great emphasis on this issue. That is to say, further attention is to be paid to this issue.

27、④Onlythrough effective actions that has been takencan we prevent this trend.

28、问题阐释:What caused this problem, and what solutions can solve this problem?

29、①In this age of change, the human society is progressing rapidly on various fronts.

30、②Yet at the same time, many problems have arisen, a serious one of which is…

31、③This issue has drawn widespread attention.

32、④In this essay, I will analyze some possible causes of this phenomenon and then propose some solutions.



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