ones ones是什么意思
来源:择校网 时间:2025-03-09 00:13:16
2、ones最常用的意思是代替前面提到的名词,以避免重复。例如,“I have two dogs and he has ones too”意思是“我有两只狗,他也有两只狗”。在这个例子中,ones代替了前面的“dogs”,使句子更加简洁。
3、除了代替名词,ones还可以用来代替时间或数量。例如,“I haven’t seen him for ones month”意思是“我已经一个月没有见到他了”。在这个例子中,ones代替了具体的数字“1”。
4、在口语中,ones还可以用来表示不具体的、不确定的人或物。例如,“I need to buy some new clothes ones”意思是“我需要买一些新的衣服,但不确定具体是什么类型的衣服”。
二、one 和ones的区别
例如:My child doesn”t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.
2、one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后,可以省略。
例如:This book is much better than that(one).
如不可说my one(s),your one(s),Peter”s one(s)等等。
4、one或 ones也不能用在own之后。但是,如果有了形容词,one(s)可以和物主代词及名词所有格连用。
如:My cheap camera seems to be just as good as John”s expensive one.
总结:one/ones用来代替前面提到过的可数名词,one指代单数,ones指代复数,所代替的是同名异物,表示泛指,可有前置定语或后置定语,也可单独使用,特指时必须加 the,用the one/ones.
例句:A person has one head and one neck.每人都有一个头,一个脖子。
例句:If only problems would come one at a time!要是问题一次只发生一个该多好!
例句:One should do his best for the cause of world peace.一个人应该为世界和平事业尽最大努力。
例句:There's one bad apple for every three good ones.每四个苹果里就有一个坏的。
See how many plates we have, but don't count in the cracked ones.看看我们有多少个盘子,但不要算有裂纹的。
替代词one/ones常常用来代替上文提到过的名词,以避免重复。例如:I don5t like this book.Show me a more interesting one.There are good films as well as bad ones.但在具体使用的过程中,同学们常常会出一些错。下面拟通过一些实例分析,以说明替代词one/ones的用法。1.忌用one/ones替代不可数名词。遇到不可数名词往往采用“重复使用”或“省略”的方法。例如:误:I prefer white coffee to black one.正:I prefer white coffee to black/black coffee.2.忌把one与不定冠词a直接连用,但前面有形容词修饰时,其前方可加a/an。例如:误:Can you play the violin?There is a one in the room.正:Can you play the violin?There is one/a new one in the room.3.忌把one/ones与形容词性物主代词直接连用,在两者之间插入适当的形容词后方可...
ones必须和形容词连用。如果替代的名词时无形容词在前,则用some, any,而不用ones。
Have you bought any rulers? Yes,I've bought some.
四、those 和ones的用法
一、one, ones, that, those的类似用法。
1. one用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数。例如:
-Yes, I have one. I have a good one.(one= a car)
have lost my pen. I”m going to buy one after school.(one= a pen)
told us was more interesting than the one we heard yesterday.(the one= the story)
2. ones用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。例如:
-Yes, I want new ones very much.(ones= toys)
bridges last longer than wooden ones.(ones= bridges)
like the students working hard, especially the ones who are active in thinking.
3. that用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数或不可数名词。例如:
of your car is better than that of mine.(that= the engine)
bought yesterday costs less than that I had bought before.(that= the book)
of Beijing is as good as that of Tianjin.(that= the weather)
tells us the news of his country and that of his country nearby.(that= the news)
4. those用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。例如:
of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.(those= the houses)
made in China are as good as those made in USA.(those= the bikes)
二. one、ones、that、those的区别。
point of idiom rather than one of grammar.(one= a point)
of wheat tastes better than one made of rice.(one= a cake)
classroom with enough light rather than that with little light.(that= the classroom)
where my brother is studying is larger than that where I am studying.
peaches but I must have some ripe ones.(ones= peaches)
always write better than old ones.(ones= pens)
the stories of himself and those of his sister(those= the stories)
like the cars made in France than those made in Japan.(those= the cars)
2. one或ones的定语既可以放在其前面,也可以放在其后面;that或those的定语只能放在其后面。例如:
new storybook, but I have got several old ones.
one that is needed by every one.
who do best in examinations are not always those with the best brains.
3.如果在one或ones前面加上定冠词the分别用来代表可数名词的单数或复数,定语又在其后,这时的the one或the ones基本上可以分别与that或those互换。例如:
from Shanghai sang better in the concert than the one/ that from Beijing.
the car of herself, not the one/ that of her husband.
in that shop are as good as those/ the ones in the supermarket.
the places of interest in the countryside to those/ the ones in the cities.