escape的用法 escape的用法搭配
来源:择校网 时间:2025-03-30 17:07
1、The hotel guests tried to escape the burning building.
5、The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail.囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。
6、备注:这句话中escape from是作动词性短语用。
7、He told us the story of his escape from the enemy.他向我们叙说了他逃离敌人的经过。
8、备注:这句话中escape from是作名词性短语用。
escape的意思有逃跑的意思,它的用法是怎样的呢?下面我给大家总结 escape的用法,希望对大家学习英语能有所帮助。
1、vi.不及物动词逃跑;逃脱[( from)]
The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来.
The matter has quite escaped my memory.这件事我完全记不得了.
Her name escapes me.我记不起她的名字了.
Gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气正从管中逸出.
He traveled extensively to escape from boredom.他到处旅游以解烦闷.
He made his escape in disguise.他化装后逃走了.
6、vt.及物动词逃避;逃脱;避免[ v-ing]
We were lucky to escape being punished.我们很幸运,没有受罚.
He escaped the trials after the war.战后他逃过了审判.
We must cut off his escape.我们必须切断他的退路.
She read detective stories as an escape.她看侦探小说解闷.
Can you smell an escape of gas?你能闻到漏出的煤气吗?
1、No, you cannot escape Jesus.
2、A child can escape where a man will perish.
3、Arrangements for the escape were made under cover.
4、So while it seems China has miraculously dodged more than a few headwinds, the crisis in Europe could be the malaise it can't escape.
1. No detail was too small to escape her attention.
2. Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.
3. He could not escape the massed ranks of newsmen.
4. Any escape, once it's detected, sets off the alarm.
5. The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning.
6. I hear you had a very narrow escape on the bridge.
7. Yasin had seriously hurt himself while trying to escape from the police.
8. There was barely time for the two boys to escape unseen.
9. We had strong family traditions; we couldn't escape them.
10. The news of Tandy's escape had shaken them all.
11. Two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists attacked their vehicles.
12. Aubrey could think of no graceful way to escape Corbet's company.
13. They decided the time was right for their escape.
14. She decided hitchhiking was her best method of escape.
15. Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention.
1、~*#39其他所有的字符都会被转义序列替换提示和注释提示可以使用 unescape对 escape编码的字符串进行解码用法与escape一样举例 documentwriteescapequotVisit W3School!quot quotquot;这句话是用escape来表示“从具体的地方逃出”这时候,escape是不及物动词,要跟介词from搭配共同来表示“逃离某处或某人”的意思这个短语既可以做名词性短语,又可以做动词性短语看两个例子The prisoners used the;1用法不同 avoid是指自己避免做某事,搭配是avoid doing,后面不能接不定式例如I have done so to avoid seeing the man“我这样做是想避免看到那个人”escape是指逃生,意思也与avoid不同,后面往往接from sw;一读音英#618#712ske#618p,美#618#712ske#618p二例句He escaped from prison this morning他今天早上从监狱里逃跑了三词汇用法1用作不及物动词时,常指逃脱监禁管制等;一词义词性不同 1escape可作及物动词,本义逃脱,引申义可用来表述“被忘记,记不起来等”的意思2escape from指从某地方逃走,其中escape是不及物动词二用法不同 1escape用于指被忘记等意思时,是及物动词。
2、escape的基本意思是“逃跑逃脱泄露”的意思,这个单词可以做动词名词或形容词,用作动词时可以是及物动词vt也可以是不及物动词vi所以它有现在分词escaping过去式escaped过去分词escaped,第三人称;escape escape#601`sk#1108p, I, Z iˋsk#1108ip,#1108ˋs不及物动词 1 a逃走,逃亡,脱逃 barely~ with one#39s life仅以身免,险些丧命字源源自法语,义指“脱下外套 cape。
3、2高中英语单词escape用法详解 1表示ldquo逃走rdquo或ldquo逃脱rdquo,已含有ldquo脱离rdquo的意思,因此通常不与away,off等副词连用如小偷逃走了误The thief has escaped away正The thief has;escape相关英文例句例He made his escape through the back door他从后门逃脱了escape, escape中文, escape中文意思, escape中文的意思, escape中文解释, escape意思, escape用法, escape翻译,英文 escape;escape sth比如说逃避某种东西强调的是逃,还不知道是否已经逃脱如果已经逃出来了,那就是from;既然此时为不及物动词了,escape后就不能直接跟宾语,其通常和介词from连用,表示“从逃脱”例句Amy managed to escape fromthe burning car艾米设法从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来当escape是及物动词时,其含义为“被。
4、SqL中使用 ESCAPE关键字定义转义符当转义符置于通配符之前时,该通配符就解释为普通字符例如1,要搜索“A_”开头的所有内容,请使用下列语句句中通过escap将“_”转义,否则“_quot为一个字符的通配符2,查找。
5、2escape在句中可用作主语宾语介词宾语,还可用作定语二escape用作动词 1escape的基本意思是从受限制的状态下“逃离”,往往指罪人逃跑或逃脱惩罚引申可作“消失”“漏出”“避免”“被遗忘”解用于比喻,还可表;escape就是esc按键,esc键全称为escape,位于键盘的左上角,在电脑上指的是取消bai和退出的意思,比如打开了一个应用程序,当你需要中断程序运行的话可以按esc中断,这里的esc也是代表中断的意思ESC键的用法1上网时;一意思不同 1escape逃跑,逃走,从不愉快或危险处境中逃脱,避开,避免不愉快或危险的事物2escape from逃脱二用法不同 1escapeescape的基本意思是从受限制的状态下“逃离”,往往指罪人逃跑或。
2、escape用作不及物动词时,后接from(英)〔out of(美)〕,意思是“从…逃出”。
9、例句:If possible, you want to avoid alcohol.
五、有escape to do 这种用法吗如果有和escape doing有什么区别
1、vi.不及物动词逃跑;逃脱[( from)]
2、The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来.
3、He traveled extensively to escape from boredom.他到处旅游以解烦闷.
4、Gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气正从管中逸出.
5、vt.及物动词逃避;逃脱;避免[ v-ing]
6、We were lucky to escape being punished.我们很幸运,没有受罚.
7、He escaped the trials after the war.战后他逃过了审判.
8、The matter has quite escaped my memory.这件事我完全记不得了.
9、Her name escapes me.我记不起她的名字了.
10、He made his escape in disguise.他化装后逃走了.
11、Can you smell an escape of gas?你能闻到漏出的煤气吗?
12、She read detective stories as an escape.她看侦探小说解闷.
13、We must cut off his escape.我们必须切断他的退路.
六、escape 用法
1、 vi.不及物动词逃跑;逃脱[( from)]
2、 The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来.
3、 He traveled extensively to escape from boredom.他到处旅游以解烦闷.
4、 Gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气正从管中逸出.
5、 vt.及物动词逃避;逃脱;避免[ v-ing]
6、 We were lucky to escape being punished.我们很幸运,没有受罚.
7、 He escaped the trials after the war.战后他逃过了审判.
8、 The matter has quite escaped my memory.这件事我完全记不得了.
9、 Her name escapes me.我记不起她的名字了.
10、 He made his escape in disguise.他化装后逃走了.
11、 Can you smell an escape of gas?你能闻到漏出的煤气吗?
12、 She read detective stories as an escape.她看侦探小说解闷.
13、 We must cut off his escape.我们必须切断他的退路.