











阅兵 英文(阅兵的英文)

来源:择校网   时间:2024-10-23 10:11:30


问题一:中国抗战胜利70周年阅兵式英文怎么说 The 70th anniversary of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War victory parade

问题二:“阅兵式”英语怎么写? military parade

问题三:阅兵仪式怎么用英语怎么说? Reviews troops the ceremony









[例句]A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.


问题五:抗战胜利70周年"阅兵"等各种和战争相关的英文都怎么表达世界反法西斯抗战胜利70周年 The 70 anniversary of the victory of the world anti fascist

反法西斯抗战胜利70周年Anti fascist war 70 anniversary of victory

抗战胜利70周年warThe 70 anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War

问题六:有关抗战胜利70周年阅兵式的英语名词 Chinese President delivers a speech during the memoration activities to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of

Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 3, 2015.(Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

BEIJING, Sept. 3(Xinhua)-- Following is the full text of the speech given by Chinese President at the memoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of

the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

Address at the memoration of The 70th Anniversary of The Victory of the

Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and The World Anti-Fascist War


Putin in the 70 anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War parade speech


putin [?n] [e?] [?n??v??s(?)r?] [?v;(?)v] [e?] [?v?kt(?)r?] [?v;(?)v] [e?] [gre?t] [?pe?tri??t?k] [w??] [p??re?d] [spi?t?]


putin [?n] [e?] [??n??v?s?ri] [?v] [e?] [?v?kt?ri] [?v] [e?] [ret] [[?pe?tri??t?k]] [w?r] [p??red] [spit?]









[例句]A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.


问题九:“阅兵式”英语怎么写? military parade

问题十:中国抗战胜利70周年阅兵式英文怎么说 The 70th anniversary of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War victory parade


阅兵 Military parade


With over 15,000 troops set to attend the military parade.






Starting early Saturday morning, the rehearsal featured a mass pageant involving nearly 200,000 citizens and 60 simulated floats, a gala by around 12,000 performers and a military review.


在上面的报道中,military review就是“阅兵式”。Review在该词组中的意思是“(军事)检阅,阅兵(式)”。例如hold a naval(an air, an army) review就是“举行海上(空中,陆军)阅兵式”。Review在表示这一意思时也可以作动词用,例如:The general reviewed his troops.(将军检阅了他的部队。)

与“检阅”相关的词组还有pass in review,意思是“(使)列队经过接受检阅”,reviewing order是“检阅队形”,如troops drawn up in review order(排列成检阅队形的部队),reviewing stand则是“检阅台”。



The Tian'anmen Square will see a massive celebration to mark the nation's 60th birthday on October 1, said a spokesperson for the 60th National Day celebration preparation committee of the Beijing municipal government Monday. A mass pageant involving about 200000 citizens and 60 floats will follow a military parade. The military parade and mass pageant will be rehearsed at Tian'anmen Square several times from August 29 to September 26.


在上面的报道中,mass pageant就是“群众欢庆游行”。其中mass是“民众”的意思,pageant指“盛装游行、庆典”,而且在pageant中经常会有彩车(float)。

上文中还出现了parade一词。Pageant和parade都有“游行”的意思,而且parade也可以指庆祝游行,如May Day parade(五一节游行),但是parade更多的是指阅兵场上的列队行进。

此外,parade还可以指“炫耀,展示”,例如:parade one’s knowledge(卖弄知识)。相对于parade,pageant有华丽盛大的场面,而且常有彩车。例如:the pageant of the Duke’s immense, sumptuous funeral(公爵葬礼的盛大豪华场面)。另外,pageant还有“露天历史剧”的意思。


2003年09月25日 15:09

According to the decision of the CPPCC in 1949 when the People’s Republic of China was founded, military parade should be listed among the key programs of the Grand Celebrations of National Day thereafter. A total number of 11 parades were conducted during the coming ten years since then, which however were followed by a break-up for a consecutive period of 24 years. The parade was not resumed until 1984. Based on Mr. Deng Xiaoping’s proposal, the central government decided to launch a grand parade to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the nation. The latest parade happened in 1999 when the nation celebrated its 50th anniversary. In the Tian’anmen Square, a splendid cross-century parade was staged.

Parade is an important form of displaying the strength of armed forces and building up national confidence and pride. In general, the parade includes two parts. One is the military review, in which the reviewer reviews by passing by the troops; the other is the march-past, in which the troops march in front of the reviewing stand to be reviewed.

The Parade on the Founding Ceremony of the PRC(1949): marching from east to west, the 16,400-people parading troops were headed by a 2-row navy troop with the infantry division, artillery division, chariot division and cavalry division followed. Seventeen airplanes of the air force, four out of which were carried with bombs, flied over Tian’anmen to receive the review.

The Second National Day Parade(1950): Commander-in-chief Zhu De released the order that the PLA should be prepared for war in view of the tension in Korea and Taiwan. On the parade, the cavalry troops reined 1,900 white horses crossing Tian’anmen Square, making up the most spectacular vision of the parade.

The Third National Day Parade(1951): the group taking the lead of the troops was made up of experienced and distinguished senior military officers who were receiving training in the war college. For the first time, a group of militias showed up on the parade.

The Fourth National Day Parade(1952): the public security troop made its first appearance this year. Militias of different nationalities wore their colorful folk costumes with up-to-date weapons held in hand. In the spotlight was a group of motor infantry formed by a total number of 160 motorcycles.

The Fifth National Day Parade(1953): the delegation of Chinese People’s Volunteers made its appearance in the Tian’anmen reviewing stand. For the first time the rocket artillery group was among the parading troops.

The Sixth National Day Parade(1954): paratroops were present though no parachuting was performed. This is the last time that the cavalry troop of the PLA was reviewed on the parading ceremony.

The Seventh National Day Parade(1955): this is the first parading ceremony since the system of military ranks was implemented among PLA. Dressed in new military uniforms with military ranks and collar badge on them, the officers and soldiers took on an entirely new look.

The Eighth National Day Parade(1956): this is the only parade that takes place amid heavy rain. Among the guests of the ceremony were representatives of Communist Parties and Workers’ Parties from over 50 countries, who were invited to attend the 8th Party Congress.

The Ninth National Day Parade(1957): the Chinese-made jet bomber and fighter received the review for the first time.

The Tenth National Day Parade(1958): the most spectacular figures were the students from military academies and various military schools established by the PLA after the founding of PRC. These schools involved different military areas including infantry, artillery, armored force, engineers, air force and navy.

The Eleventh National Day Parade(1959): the number of people attending the ceremony reached as high as 700,000. All of the cutting-edge equipments, including automatic rifles, cannons, tanks and high-speed jet fighters were manufactured based on China’s own efforts.

The Twelfth National Day Parade(1984): this is a grand parade with the largest scale, most updated equipments and highest mechanization level since 1949. All of the weapons and equipments were made in China. The missile troop of navy, the ground-to-air missile troop of air force and the strategic missile troop made up the most spectacular vision. The strategic missile troop presented itself for the first time on the parade.

The Thirteenth National Day Parade(1999): attending the parade are the land force, the navy, the air force, the armed police and the local police, which represent the overall power of the Chinese arms forces. With its magnificence and spectacularity, the parade is unprecedented in PRC’s military history concerning the scale and scene, and should mark a place in the military history of the whole world.



In mid-November 1983, Comrade Deng Xiaoping personally made the arrangements, and the CPC Central Committee Secretariat held a special meeting to study the layout of the 35th anniversary of National Day celebration. The parade included 189 missiles, tanks and 205 armored vehicles, 126 artillery pieces, 18 rocket mine vehicles, 6429(Ting) light weapons, 2216 trucks, composing of 46 side(ladder) teams.


看阅兵仪式的英文Watch the parade。


1、watch看,注视,观看,观察,(短时间)照看,看护,照管,小心,当心,留意。一起看春节晚会Watch the Spring Festival party together、我在七点钟看电视IwatchTV at seven、我看一小会电视IwatchTV for a while



我喜欢看阅兵仪式I like watchingthemilitaryparade、阅兵仪式Militaryparadeceremony、观看阅兵仪式Watchtheparade、举行阅兵仪式Hold a militaryparade、我们看阅兵仪式We watchedtheparade

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