机械英语翻译 机械英文翻译
来源:择校网 时间:2025-03-02 06:05:22
一、机械专业英语翻译 英译汉
1. There is nearly a limitless variety of materials. The method to understand them is to consider all
materials as members of a big family. Materials that possess common characteristics are placed into
their own group within the family. Although overlaps exist in the grouping system, it is easier to understand
materials when relationships are identified.
2. The properties of a material are those characteristics that help modify and distinguish one material from
another. All properties are observable and most can be measured quantitatively. Properties are classified
into two main groups, physical and chemical properties. Physical properties involve no change in the
composition of the material. Chemical properties are associated with the transformation of one material
into another. Physical properties are, in turn, arbitrarily subdivided into many categories.
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3. These subdivisions bear names such as mechanical metallurgical, fabrication, general, magnetic,
electrical, thermal, optical, thermonuclear, and electro-optical. Regardless of the name of the subdivision,
physical properties result from the response of the materials to some environmental variable, such as a
mechanical force, a temperature change, or an electro-magnetic field. It can be divided primarily into
mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties.
4. Among other characteristics, we can list the following for the ideal material: endless and readily
available source of supply; cheap to refine and produce; energy efficient; strong, stiff and dimensionally
stable at all temperatures; lightweight; corrosion resistant; no harmful effects on the environment or
people; biodegradable; numerous secondary uses.
5. Technically, forging maybe defined as the process of giving metal in creased utility by shaping it,
refining it, and improving its mechanical properties through controlled plastic deformation under impact or
6. Hardening is a process of heating and cool steel to increase its hardness and tensile strength, to
reduce its ductility, and to obtain a fine grain structure. By tempering or“drawing”, the hardness and
brittleness may be reduced to the desired point for service conditions.
7. Belts and chains are used to connect two or more shaft for the transmission of rotation and power. The
shafts may be at a considerable from one another, while belts also permit a certain amount of twist. A cam
and its follower together form a mechanism that converts rotary motion or oscillating motion, into a cyclical
linear or angular motion.
8. Electro-discharge machining is mainly used for drilling, broaching, engraving, embossing, and thread
cutting and similar to turning, milling, and grinding
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9. From an operating standpoint, any hydraulic system can be divided into four logical segments: the
power input segment, the power transmission system, the control devices and the power output portion.
Mechanical Properties of Metals金属的力学性质
Mechanical properties are the characteristic responses of a material to applied forces. Knowledge of mechanical properties of materials is essential in order to construct a mechanically sound structure such as a bridge on the river.
Mechanical properties can be determined by conducting experimental tests on the material samples. Some important mechanical properties of materials are: strength(in tension, compression, shear, bending and torsion), stiffness(strength), ductility, impact strength, hardness and toughness.
1. Strength
The Strength of a material may be defined as the ability of the material to sustain loads without undue distortion or failure. Material should be adequately strong when subjected to tension, compression, shear, bending or torsion as per the intended use. For example, the crankshaft of an automobile should have sufficient torsion strength.�材料的强度基本是被定义为材料在发生变形或失效之前所能承受的负荷大小。根据材料各自用途不同,其必须具有足够的抗拉、抗压、抗剪、抗弯或是抗扭强度。例如汽车上的曲轴就必须具有足够的扭转强度。
2. Stiffness
Stiffness is the ability of a material or shape to resist elastic deflection. For identical shapes, the stiffness is proportional to the modulus of elasticity. A material which deforms less under a given load is stiffer than one which deforms more.
3. Ductility
Ductility refers to the capacity of a material to undergo deformation under tension without rupture as in a wire drawing operation.�
4. Impact Strength
Impact strength is the strength of a material when subjected to high rates of loading, usually in bending, tension or torsion. The amount of energy required to fracture the material by a single blow is measured by means of a Charpy impact test.冲击强度是指材料在承受高速率的负荷时的强度,通常是弯曲应力,拉应力或者是扭力。单次冲击破坏材料所需的能量通过却贝摆锤冲击测试的方法测得。
5. Hardness
Hardness is the resistance of a material to plastic deformation usually by indentation. However, the term may refer to stiffness or refer to resistance to scratching, abrasion or cutting. Tests, such as Vickers, Briell and Rockwell, are generally employed to measure hardness.
6. Toughness韧度
Toughness refers to the ability of a material to withstand bending or the application of shear stresses without fracture. By this definition, copper is extremely tough but cast iron is not.
Materials Sustain Loads On Tension
Materials Sustain Loads On Shear
Materials Sustain Loads on bending
Materials Sustain Loads on torsion