passive voice voice是什么意思
来源:择校网 时间:2025-03-07 10:10:42
一、关于active voice/passive voice问题
Active voice(主动式)是句子中的 Subject去做verb所说的动作。而 passive voice(被动式)句子中的 subject是接受个verb的那个动作。其实中文也有主动式和被动式的句子。例:小花猫打破了花瓶。(主动式)花瓶被小花猫打破了。(被动式)而英文在表达 passive voice时,动词的结构是: be participle..... by...句子中的“verb to be”的转变表达 tenses.“by”后面的名词执行动作被动式通常用于接受动作的是焦点,比执行动作的更重要。被动式亦通常用于报告。以下给你一些例子:现在式: Miss Chan punishes me.(主动式)Miss Chan执行 punish那动词。 I am punished by Miss Chan.(被动式)你有没有察觉到主动式的“me”变了“I”当我们转 active voice为 passive voice要注意 pronoun也要按需要作改变。 Miss Chan punishes us. We are punished by Miss Chan.你有没有留意到 pronoun和 verb to be的改变?记得 verb to be和 subject要配合。 Miss Chan may punish them. They may be punished by Miss Chan.当有 auxillary verb时,verb to be就会是“be”过去式: Miss Chan punished John. John was punished by Miss Chan.因为是 past tense,verb to be变了 past tense的“was”未来式: Miss Chan will punish you tomorrow. You will be punished by Miss Chan tomorrow.现在完成式: Miss Chan has punished her. She has been punished by Miss Chan.用“has”还是“have”主要看 subject在这里,verb to be变成了 past participle“been”过去完成式: Miss Chan had punished the little dog. The little dog had been punished by Miss Chan.有些情况,我们会将“by xxx”隐藏。例: Someone stole my wallet. My wallet was stolen.(无需要写 by someone) 2012-06-04 13:14:36补充:更正:而英文在表达 passive voice时,动词的结构是: be participle..... by...应是:而英文在表达 passive voice时,动词的结构是: be participle句子的结构通常是:而英文在表达 passive voice时,动词的结构是: be participle..... by...当不知道是谁做的或由谁做的完全不重要时,可以没有 by(who) 2012-06-04 13:15:49补充:有些时候,可以将 past participle当形容词,表达被动式。一般来说,这个用法大多用于 action verb.例: a broken vase frozen meat
passive voice应该转用 past tense
因为事情己过去。 Past tense He was taught by me.他是由我教导的。 The tree was cut o days ago.那棵树两日前已经被人斩不来。第一句例句中
但系句中tense的用法已表现到佢系passive voice
而唔系由某一个字去解「被」。用法系: auxiliary verb加上(main verb用于) past participle即是 was taught或者 was cut _________________________________________________________ Active voice再加上 Past tense的用法: I taught him. Someone cut the tree o days ago.(因为不知谁人做
所以只能用someone)要分辨main verb是否过去分词
就要多查字典啦! _______________________________________________________要运用Passive voice
都有禁忌。 1)在同一句句子中
切勿同时用Active voice和 Passive voice.例如: Many customers in the restaurant found the coffee too bitter to drink
but it was ordered frequently.=> Many customers in the restaurant found the coffee too bitter to drink
but they still ordered it frequently.应该用"they"(Active voice)做 subject
而唔系用 it(Passive voice)。 3)要注意正确选择 subject To save time
the paper was written on a puter.(Passive voice)=> To save time
Kristin wrote the paper on a puter.(Active voice)其实
"To save time"和"wrote the paper on a puter"都系同一个人(Kristin)做的
被动语态(Passive voice)是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。
被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般来说,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。汉语往往用被、受、给等被动词来表示被动意义。被动语态由“助动词be 及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。疑问式和否定式的变化也如此。
Get 过去分词也可以构成被动语态,用这种结构的句子侧重于动作的结果而不是动作本身。如: The man got hurt on his way home.那个男人在回家的路上受伤了。 How did the glass get broken?杯子怎么破了?
周海中教授在论文《Get-Passive研究》中指出:Get 过去分词的被动语态是一种新兴的被动语态形式;相对来说它的使用还没有Be 过去分词构成的被动语态那么广泛,一般限于口语和非正式书面语;但它却有着用得愈来愈多的趋势,是一种生气蓬勃的语言现象。
三、关于四个 passive voice 的「使用规则」
1) Present Perfect以前开始/发生
现在及将来都仍然持续. e.g. The statue of our school founder has been located at the entrance since 1971. 2) Past Perfect用作比较已发生的两件事的先后次序
首先发生的用 Past Perfect
后来发生的用 Simple Past Tense e.g. My lovely teddy bear had been stolen when I returned home last week. 3) Present(passive)现在/刚发生 e.g. Mr. Donald Tsang is invited to be the special guest of our graduation ceremony next week. 4) Past(passive)过去发生的 e.g. Hong Kong was occupied by Japan in World War II. 2007-01-26 13:28:41补充: The photo was taken by me.(我以前拍下的照片)
首先,你不应该觉得 passive voice是有什么特别「使用规则」,是没有的图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/35,最重要只是看清楚句子要用那一个tense。请看下解释。 has/have been pp.是 has/have pp的 passive voice;大家都是 Present perfect tense had been pp是 had pp的 passive voice;大家都是 Past perfect tense was/were pp是简单过去式的 passive voice;大家都是 Simple past tense is/are/am pp是简单现在式的 passive voice;大家都是 Simple present tense is/are/am being pp是现在进行式的 passive voice;大家都是 Present continuos tense所以,你应该现在明白只要 tense是一样、应用时候亦会一样,只是转为被动型。 I ate an apple yesterday.这是 simple past tense,所以转做passive voice,亦必须用 simple past tense。变成 An apple was eaten by me yesterday. Tom had read the book since we met him.前面是 past perfect tense,所以转成 passive voice时,便要用一样的past perfect tense。变成 The book had been read by Tom since we met him.你的问题: The photo ______ by me(take)因为没有注明时间,是昨天、现在或明天,那只可以用 simple present tense,这个决定跟是否 passive voice无关。好了,现在决定了用simple present tense,再看句子,原来要用passive voice,因为 photo不可能是 object(主题),object是 me,又见到 by me,所以明显地这需要用 passive voice。那么,就用 simple present tense的 passive voice了:形态是 is/are/am pp,所以答案是 is taken 2007-01-26 13:11:32补充:对不起,没有看到你的中文问题-------如果那张照片是(被)我以前拍下的
但不知道时间,那就用 simple past tense好了。所以答案应是 was taken.
The photo was taken by me The photos were taken by me如果那张<~~~ That photo was taken by me That先系指定一张,如果trlate应该唔会用the
关于passive voice的内容到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助。