












来源:择校网   时间:2024-09-20 21:15:06



/ˈtɔɪlɪt;ˋtɔɪlɪt/ n

[C](room containing a) lavatory厕所;卫生间;盥洗室;恭桶: Can you tell me where the toilets are?您能告诉我洗手间在哪儿吗?=>Usage见所附用法.

[U](dated旧) process of washing and dressing oneself, arranging one's hair, etc化妆;梳洗;打扮: [attrib作定语] a `toilet set一套梳妆用具* `toilet articles, ie hairbrushes, combs, hand-mirrors, etc梳妆用具(发刷﹑梳子﹑手镜等).

> toiletries/ˈtɔɪlɪtrɪz;ˋtɔɪlətrɪz/ n [pl](in shops) articlesor products used in washing, dressing, etc(商店中的)化妆用品.

# `toilet-paper n [U] paper for use in a lavatory卫生纸;手纸.

`toilet-roll n roll of toilet-paper卫生纸卷;手纸卷.

`toilet-train v [Tn esp passive尤用於被动语态] train(a child) to control its urination and defecation and to use a lavatory训练(孩子)控制大小便和上厕所: She isn't toilet-trained yet.她还没学过用厕所. `toilet-training n [U].

`toilet water scented water for use on the skin, esp after washing花露水.

NOTE ON USAGE用法: In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC(dated), or loo(informal).在英式英语中,私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory﹑ toilet﹑ WC(已陈旧)或loo(用於口语). In public places it is called the Gents/the Ladies or public conveniences.公共场所的厕所称为the Gents/the Ladies或public conveniences. In US English it is called the lavatory, toilet or bathroom in private houses and the washroom or rest-room in public buildings.在美式英语中私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory﹑ toilet或bathroom,在公共建筑物中的称为the washroom或rest-room.




拖鞋( slipper的名词复数);



1. slippers的意思

1.便鞋:boot靴子| slippers便鞋| sandal凉鞋

2.会所用拖鞋:签名板Signing Board|会所用拖鞋Slippers|雨中挥杆Head Cover In Rain

3. slippers的近义词

3.拖鞋,便鞋:a pair of sandals一双凉鞋| slippers拖鞋,便鞋| a pair of slippers一双拖鞋


1. Her flat cloth slippers were propped up on a footwarmer, and a cat reposed on her lap.


2. slippers的解释

2. How long does it take to sew a pair of beaded slippers?


3. slippers

3. She was an enormous woman of 53 who greeted me in a muumuu and fuzzy pink slippers.


4. slippers在线翻译

4. Marble bathroom with hydromassage shower, Turkish bath, slippers, heated towel rail, and toiletries.



5. Furthermore, Subcrew keep to develop new products, they just released sunglasses, slippers, backpacks at last season, and this season they released the backpacks again, Phone/DC case, Cardholder.

另外 Subcrew更不停发展除衣服外的用品,上季就有太阳眼镜,拖鞋,背囊等,今季亦有背囊,电话/相机套,咭片套。

6. slippers

6. Because of wide range of application of embroideries and cross-stitch, Aimai Qite has continuously conducted research on workmanship and application of cross-stitch through exploring traditional Chinese cultures and taking into account the ideas and lifestyles of the present society, and has developed cheap products suitable for lives of the common people, such as tens of varieties of cross-stitch slippers, cushion, perfume bag, handset chain, tablecloth, handset case, auto seating, etc.; introduced new ideas in terms of designs, such as Christmas series, constellation series, twelve animals series, cartoon series, animal series, scenery series, home decoration series, Chinese folk custom series, etc.

Development and Prospect of Cross-stitch随着百姓生活水平的提高,人们广泛地渴望,精神消费,时尚消费,个性化消费,由于刺绣,十字绣应用范围广泛,安迈琪特在经过对中国传统文化的发掘,结合当今社会的理念及生活方式,在工艺水平及十字绣实用性方面,不断的研究,已开发出适合百姓生活之用及价格低廉的产品,如十字绣拖鞋,近几十种,靠枕,香包,手机链,台布,手机套,汽车座套等,在图案上大胆引入新的理念,如开发了圣诞系列,星座系列,生肖系列,卡通系列,动物系列,风景系列,家居装饰系列,中国民俗系列等。


7. Then he fetched them dressing-gowns and slippers, and himself bathed the Mole`s shin with warm water and mended the cut with sticking-plaster till the whole thing was just as good as new, if not better.


8. The label's uniqueness may also come in the form of its creative directors who, since the company was founded, have always been sibling pairs: Miki and Christine Tanabe, succeeded by Dean and Dan Caten who later formed DSquared2, and now Tia and Fiona Cibani, creators of Port's most indulgent iconic item, the Jet Set Kit, a portable collection of 11 items including a cashmere hoodie, a multi-use alpaca tube scarf, a cashmere and leather teddy bear, brushed cotton robe, silk slippers and eye mask, cashmere neck pillow, waterproof canvas and leather washbags and a garment bag made out of the same chocolate-coloured Loro Piana storm system canvas carry-all into which the whole lot gets packed.

宝姿的独特之处还可能在于其设计师的构成,自该公司创建以来,其设计师总是一对兄弟或姊妹:米基和克里斯蒂娜·塔纳贝,接着是迪安和丹·卡腾(两兄弟后来创建了时装品牌DSquared2),以及如今的蒂亚和菲奥娜·思班尼。蒂亚两姐妹设计了宝姿内容最全面的标志性套件Jet Set Kit,这套由11件物品组成的便携系列包括一件羊绒毛衣、一条多用羊驼绒围巾、一只羊绒及皮革面料的泰迪熊、棉绒睡袍、丝制拖鞋和眼罩、羊绒颈垫、防水帆布及皮革面料的洗衣袋、一个西装袋、以及同为巧克力色的Loro Piana防水帆布面料旅行手提袋,可以将所有物品装在里面。

9. slippers

9. More than 800 employees, the main production sections of PU, TPR, PVC, such as male and female, wear sandals, slippers, shoes Micronesia.


10. He wore a Roman emperor's laurel crown, the embroidered gold slippers of a medieval king and an ermine shoulder cape that was grander than the pope's.


11. slippers的近义词

11. During these tests she was able to read a newpaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still, by moving her elbow over a child`s game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colors printed on it; and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colors of a piture hidden under a carpet.


12. What's more, he hurt his spinal bone, and lost one of his slippers while crossing over the back wall.



13. When she left homeshe had slippers on, it is true; but what was the good of that?


14. When I wear these slippers, it becomes blue


15. slippers的解释

15. When I wear these slippers, it becomes golden


16. In the summer is filled with slippers to wear it?


17. He occupied one of my slippers as his pillow.


18. He wore soft close-fitting slippers and the insteps of his feet were so beautiful and alive that I fell in love with them at once.



19. I can be wearing underwear and slippers to go out and still have a Balenciaga bag.


20. slippers的近义词

20. Secondly, Mr de Botton is surely right when he reminds us that we rarely if ever think about where our Moments and our fluffy slippers, our 16-gigabyte iPhones and our Thai red chicken curry ready-meals come from, or what an immense concatenation of individual efforts is required to ensure that a fish swimming in the Indian Ocean off the Maldives can be converted, in a couple of days, into individually packaged tuna steaks in the refrigerated-foods aisle of a supermarket in the Bristol suburbs.



1. With only slippers on his feet, he insulated his thin frame from the chill with a dirty sweater.

2. Wang ran toward the child but because he was wearing slippers he slipped and broke his collarbone.

3. Children's slippers lay piled near the blast crater not far from a crumbled child's bicycle as blood pooled in the street.

4. I was glad I had stuffed the packing on my leg into my hiking boots, rather than wearing slippers as the doctor had advised.

5. The doorway is littered with dozens of slippers, but few bother to wear them.

6. Changing into slippers, many of them headed for the bar downstairs.

7. A truck driver who ran a red light and was driving with slippers was fined by the policemen at about 9 pm for dangerous driving.

8. He said the flowers on these slippers remind him f sexy Vietnamese ladies and bright sunshine.

9. The street was littered with shattered glass and metal and the slippers left by crowds trampling each other to flee.

10. Some work in jeans and a tee shirt, while others stick with pjs and slippers for the majority of their working hours.






例句:Cosmetic and hair care companies exaggerate the benefits of their products.在这里输入译文化妆品和护发公司往往夸大它们产品的功能。

Cosmetic companies pay fees to the company to include their products.化妆品公司通过向该公司支付费用以在网站植入其产品。


所有格:He is Fred's best friend.-'s

动词的第三人称单数:Alfredo works.-s

过去时:Fred worked.-ed,但亦有不规则变化。

现在分词/进行时态:Fred is working.-ing(如果动词的末音节为辅音结尾的闭音节,则须双写末辅音,如running)

过去分词:The car was stolen.-en;Fred has talked to the police.-ed,但亦有不规则变化。

动名词:Working is good for the soul.-ing

复数:Fred has two blue eyes.-s(如果名词的尾字是s、x或sh,则需加-es,如boxes,dishes)

比较级:Fred is smarter than Rick.形容词末尾加-er,多音节(3 )在前面加more,如“more difficult”

最高级:Fred has the fastest car.形容词末尾加-est,多音节(3 )词在前面加most,如“the most difficult”



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