












来源:择校网   时间:2024-10-06 10:34:56




3、bring round使苏醒;说服;使恢复知觉;



Persuade him以德服人;

persuade sb说服某人;劝服;

I persuade我说服;

1、I persuade her to help me.


2、You should do all you can to persuade him.










persuade sb to do sth劝说;劝说某人做某事;说服某人干某事;说服某人做某事

try to persuade劝说;劝导;引导;说服

Persuade with pictures& videos通过图片和视频来说服;在产品销售方面









convince oneself of充分弄明白;清楚;查明

Convince Of使确信;使认识到;使……相信

convince sb of sth使某人相信某物;判决某人有某罪;使某人相信某事;使某人信服某事



Dear Wang Lin,

I’m sorry to learn that you don’t do well in English. I’d like to give you my advice on learning English.

First of all, you should be confident in yourself, which is the first step in learning English well. Secondly, you’d better make friends with the students who are good at English and they are very likely to help you. Thirdly, learning English well is a long process. Remember: reward yourself when you have made progress, which will inspire you greatly. Anyway, you mustn’t give up learning English. Believe in yourself. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Hope my suggestions will work.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


You shouldn't shout to you parents. It because they are very love you.Since you are a little boy, They take care of the whole day.And if you argue with your parents,you don't know they want to cry.Parents are loving they children,so we should love them


Some students play puter games instead of sdudying. we all know puter games is a kind of entertainment that can train our attention and make us relax, but some of students are lost in it.we should know that studying is our job. we must do it well.and how to solve this problem.At frist,we need a plan to help us. For explem, we think what we will do today,then play games after doing it.


作文要求是不是写错了,为何是给Jack写信劝说Mike啊? Dear Jack, I heard that you don't have a healthy lifestyle. I think you should exercise every day. You must eat more vegetables and fruit. I know you like eating juck food, it is bad for your health, you should eat less. For sleeping, you should sleep nine hours every night. I think if you can do these, you will be in good health soon. What do you think of these? Yours


假设朋友为wanglin,自己为lihua,作文如下:Dear Wang Lin,I'm sorry to learn that you don't do well in English. I'd like to give you my advice on learning English.First of all, you should be confident in yourself, which is the first step in learning English well. Secondly, you'd better make friends with the students who are good at English and they are very likely to help you. Thirdly, learning English well is a long process. Remember: reward yourself when you have made progress, which will inspire you greatly. Anyway, you mustn't give up learning English. Believe in yourself. Where there is a will, there is a way.Hope my suggestions will work.Sincerely yours,Li Hua...


Well, I know we have many problems in life, but the conflict is not necessary, because we always treat others with politeness and, for some trivial quarrel is not necessary, so we must be able to learn to control their emotions when his master not to learn to control your emotions. I think we can avoid, quarrel to agree the idea


Dear Li Ming,I'm writing to you because I have something really serious to municate with you. Knowing your friends and you went to the cyber cafes very often recently, I guess you were playing games there。

Since I don't see you in school for a few days, guess you're absent because of that.I really worry about you, Li Ming. Friends play an important role in our life, a true friend will never allow you to do bad things. A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good person and even though he knows that you're actually doing something not right. We have to know what is right or wrong, and you really have to choose your friends carefully.I hope that I can talk to you in person when you e to school. Don't make me worry so much, my friend.Yours sincerely,Wang WeiSep 15th


Theory good studentGood students are always loved by the teacher. And be a good student and each child hope, then, what is the good student? Don't only performance is good, it hardly is is good student?I think, the result good and is not a good student. If only depending on the results, he decided to a person's character, also rather too hasty it. Don't agree? That if a student achievement is very good, but it owes his cheating technology, do you think he is a good student? Of course, the result is also important. Every examination is in the test you this science master how? If you what all can't, that's...I have read in the paper that one thing:*** all strange is a school of a student. Because HouFa hours a high fever, her intelligence only one-third of ordinary people. Every time the exam, no matter how hard she tried, she scores is always 30 points, is always the last one class. Chinese teachers don't like her, thought she dragged the class and grade hind legs, and are prepared to give up her, and let her sit to class last table. Small strange oneself also very sad, and are determined to study hard, but a month later, she scores still no progress. The math teacher but secretly observed her, and to their parents know the situation, understand what happened. He urged the Chinese teacher's seat to the*** all adjust e back, and in all clas*** ate in front praised the*** all strange, also let students learn from her. Small strange also renewed assertiveness. The following every time the exam,*** all strange still take an examination of 30 minutes, but different things, clas*** ates and teachers all think that she does best.Public class, the teacher is the lecture. Monitor the memories around yesterday and students go to the park scene, a*** ile on his face. Allison listened carefully to the class, and made notes from time to time."The text to the central idea what?" The teacher began to ask questions. Well? Allison looked at notes, suddenly understand what, raised his hand. And around, still intoxicated in memory. The teacher seemed to see the*** ile on the face around, thinking she understand, he gave a cry"JiangLinLin" around zhang o monks-confused, but can only stand up, a face of confusion at the teacher. The teacher seems a bit angry, look at the side of the hand allison, beckoned to let her answer."I think it should be praises the ancient working people's hard work." Allison replied. The teacher nodded, let allison sat down and stared at around, continued class.Good students, not necessarily result. As long as you really hard, even if you only got 30 points, you are great students.论好学生好学生总是受老师喜爱的.而成为一个好学生也是每一个孩子所希望的,那么,什么才是好学生呢?难道只有成绩好,才算得上是好学生吗?我认为,成绩好的并不是好学生.如果单靠成绩,就决定一个人的品行,也未免太草率了吧.不认同吗?那如果一个学生成绩很好,但这都得归功于他的作弊技术,你还认为他是好学生吗?当然,成绩也十分重要.每一次考试都是在检测你这门知识掌握得如何?如果你什么都不会,那就太……我曾在报纸上看到过这么一件事:小奇是某学校的一名学生.由于小时侯发了一次高烧,她的智力只有常人的1/3.每次考试,无论她怎么努力,她的成绩永远是30多分,永远都是班级的最后一名.语文老师不喜欢她,认为她拖了班级的后腿,便准备放弃她,并且让她坐到了班级的最后一桌.小奇自己也很伤心,并下定决心要努力读书,但是一个月过去了,她的成绩仍然没有进步.数学老师却暗中观察她,并向其父母了解情况,才明白了事情的原委.他劝说语文老师把小奇的位子调回来,并且在全般同学面前表扬了小奇,还让同学们向她学习.小奇也重拾了自信.以后的每一次考试,小奇仍然考30分,但不同的事,同学们和老师们都认为她考得最好.公开课上,老师正在讲课.班长琳琳回忆着昨天和同学一起去游乐园玩时的情景,脸上露出一丝笑意.佳佳认真地听着课,并时不时地做着笔记.“这篇课文的中心思想是什么呢?”老师开始提问.这个嘛?佳佳看着笔记,忽然明白什么,举起了手.而琳琳,仍陶醉在回忆之中.老师似乎看到了琳琳脸上的笑意,以为她懂,就叫了一声“江琳琳”琳琳丈二和尚——摸不着头脑,但只能站起来,一脸迷茫地看着老师.老师似乎有些生气,看看身边举手的佳佳,示意让她回答.“我认为应该是赞颂了古代劳动人民的辛勤.”佳佳回答道.老师点点头,让佳佳坐下,又瞪了一眼琳琳,继续讲着课……好学生,不一定要成绩好.只要你真正努力了,哪怕你只考了30分,你也是好学生.


您好:I think it is important to continue to go to school. There are many benefits of this. Firstly, studying knowledge can broaden our knowledge and horizon.We can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, continuing learning is a good way to improve life,because it is important to job hunting in the future after graduating from school. Finally,knowladge helps us bee self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, go back to school and study hard when it is time for you to sudy. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of knowledge.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢...


The Harm of SmokingSmoking,which may be a pleasure for some people,is a series of disforts for their fellows.Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of*** oking on the health not only ofthose who are*** oking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco*** oke.And studies show that non-*** okers suffer more than the*** okers themselves.A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid*** oking.Smoking is not allowed in theatres,cinemas and in other public places.Therefore,*** oking must be forbidden in our classrooms.Although many people have passed away for having*** oked a lot and we call on people to give up*** oking,yet many more will turn down what we say every day.I think it more important to call on the*** oker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.

Everyone has a friend.A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty.But sometimes we have something unhappy beeen we and friends.Maybe we can quarrel with each other because of something.What should we do if we quarrel with our friends?Let me tell you.Being a friend,you must understand your friend.If he has something different from you.You should respect your friend's idea and try your best deal with the things.But if you really can't get the same idea,even quarrel about it.I think you should applogize him or her when you get calm.Say"sorry" to him or her,and he or she will five you.You can get on well each other later...




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