












来源:择校网   时间:2024-10-08 19:58:00


How can I have the soup?


C: Customer顾客 M: manager经理

W: Waiter服务员 In the restaurant在餐厅

W: What’s can I do for you sir?我能为您做点什么?

C: Beijing roast duck, tomato and egg soup, that’s all.我要一份北京烤鸭、西红柿和蛋汤。

W: A moment please.请等一下。

W: Yours sir.您的菜,慢用。

C: Thank you!谢谢!

C: Waiter!服务员!

W: Yes? Sir?什么事,先生?

C: How can I have the soup?这汤我怎么喝?

W: I am sorry sir. I will change it for you.对不起,我给您换换。

W: Here your soup, sir.先生,您的汤。

C: Thank you!谢谢!

C: Waiter!服务员!

W: Sir?什么事,先生?

C: How can I have the soup?这汤我怎么喝?

W: Er… I am terribly sorry sir. I will change it in a second.嗯。。。非常抱歉,我马上给您换。

W: Sir, I am sorry for the soup. Now is the soup.太对不起了,这是您的汤。

C: Ok.好吧。

C: Waiter!!服务员!

W: Sir?有什么事,先生?

C: Call your manager, please!把你们经理叫来!

M: I am sorry, sir, but what wrong with the soup?对不起先生,这汤怎么了?

C: How can I have the soup without SPOON?喝汤我怎么能没有勺子呢?



A: Good morning,doctor! A:早上好,医生!

B:Good morning! What's the matter? B:早上好!怎么了?

A:I feel sore all over and I have a headache.I am afraid that is a cold. A:我感到浑身酸痛,并且头痛。恐怕我是感冒了。

B:This is a thermometer(θəəmɔmɪtə(r)).Here you are! B:这是体温计,给你测下体温。

A:OK. A:好的。

B:How long have you been like this? B:像这种情况多长时间了?

A:About Since last night.I was trembling with cold. A:大概从昨晚开始吧,我冷得发抖。

C:She also has a runny nose. C:她还不停的流鼻涕。

D:she also can’t stop sneezing lastnight. D:而且她昨晚不断的打喷嚏。 B:Oh,Iknow.Give me the thermometerB:哦,我知道了,给我体温计看一下。(C帮医生接过A的体温计,顺便看了一下。)

C:Oh,my god.It’s 40 degrees. C:哦,我的天啊,竟然烧到了40度!

D: You actually are hanging on! D:哦,你竟然还活着!

B:Let me look you over carefully. B:让我给你做个仔细的检查。

A:Is it serious? A:我病的严重吗?

B:Not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three times a day and drink more water. B:并不怎么严重,你得了流感,拿些药就好了,一天三次,并且要多喝水。

A:Thank you very much! A:非常感谢!

D:How soon can she be all right again? D:她多久能转好啊?

B:If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.B:如果你能好好休息,最多三天就能好了。

C:I hope you can recover as quickly as possible. C:我希望你能尽快好起来

B:Good luck! B:祝你好运!

A、C、D:Thank you!Goodbye! A、C、D:谢谢,再见!

B、B:Bye! B:再见!



阿Q: hello everyone. I am famous. My name is QQ. People call me A-Q.

I am very famous. I love my job very much. You know I am a worker. But I hate my boss, he says he is a foreigner, but I don't believe it.

老板: heng A_Q,you know tomorrow is my fathers birthday.

阿Q: oh,your fathers birthday?

How old is your father?

老板: hah, he is dead.

阿Q: oh he is`````

I am sorry to hear that, I am sorry to hear that, I am sorry to hear that

But when did your father die?

老板: Two years before I was born.

阿Q: Oh,two years before you were born?

老板: eng,tomorrow,AQ, you should work harder.

阿Q: of course, of course I will work harder,. But master```

老板: en?

阿Q: I just want some more money. Some more money``

老板: you want some more money?

阿Q: Yes, some more money master.

老板: hahah,打他

Tell you, no way

阿Q: No way ```哭

老板: I can find some body to help you.

阿Q:Somebody to help me? Who?

老板: WUMA, come here.

Wuma, be quick.

阿Q: wuma?登场wuma

老板: AQ, this is wuma. Wuma, now you just work together with AQ.


阿Q: master,

老板: this is wuma,,you know you just work together with her.

阿Q: NO problem`.

老板: Do remember,do not do anything wrong to her.. Or I will kill you.

阿Q: OF course not.

老板:看表,its ten o`clock, I just want to go to buy some animals to eat.

阿Q: OH animals to eat.


老板: Remember, I will be back. Do not do anything wrong to her.

阿Q: Of course not,take it easy.```M下场

阿Q:eng ``` wuma, wuma.

Wuma,wuma whats your name? wuma

吴妈: My name is wuma

阿Q: wuma how many husbands do you have?

吴妈: only one

阿Q: she says ONLY ONE a`` how old is he?

W: he is dead

阿Q: OH,he is dead,I am very glad to hear that. Wuma you know, my name is QQ, people tell me AQ. Wuma you know, I have a large house, you know? I make money everyday, a lot of money

吴妈: so you have o lot of wives?

阿Q: a lot of wifes? Oh I don't have any wifes. But I have two dogs,and three cats and four monkeys.

吴妈: are they beautiful?

阿Q: of course, they are very beautiful.. but you are more beautiful than amimals.

I am sorry,I mean animals are more beatiful than you.

I am sorry,I mean you are as beautiful as animals.

Wuma``` to be frank, to tell you the truth,actually in my heart, in fact ````

I just want you to marry me. You know,wuma,I just want you to be my wife.

Wuma, I just want to sleep with you.

吴妈: what? what did you say?

阿Q: wuma, I just want to sleep with you..

吴妈: Wolf, wolf, no, no,help, help, policeman policeman````

P: Wher is the wolf?

W: here

P: he is AQ, he is not a wolf,don't care about it.

Beautiful woman! May I know your name?

吴妈: My name is wuma, people call me wuma.

警察:May I know your name?

吴妈:My name is Wu Ma,People call me Wuma.

警察:Oh Wuma,how many husband do you have?

吴妈:Only one.

警察:Oh,only one?How old is she?

吴妈:He is dead.


警察:Wuma,I just want you to be my wife No.6. To be my wife No.6.








警察:Wuma is very beautifu,right?



老板:what did u do to Wuma?

阿Q:I did nothing!I did nothing!



老板:Wuma, Come here!Heng!(拍桌子,把睡在地上的警察吓醒!)

警察:Nice to meet you…


警察:ei ei端咖啡,看吴妈

老板:Delicious coffee!

警察:Beautiful woman…

老板:Let’s cheers!

警察:OK,Cheers.(交杯酒)I have something to say.


警察:(从口袋里拿出钱)Ten thousands.

老板:What do you mean?

警察:I want Wuma.

老板:Ah?You want Wuma?


老板:My dear sir,you know,tomorrow is my farther’s birthday.I need her to work for me.

警察:I know,I know!

老板:You know. Ha Ha Ha…

警察:One million!

老板:One million?

警察:I want Wuma.

阿Q:(冲过来)I want Wuma.

老板:My dear Sir,you know,tomorrow is really my father’s birthday.

警察:I know,I know…

老板:you know…

警察:(掏出枪)I want Wuma!

老板:Hn…. Wuma is yours!

警察:Thank you!hey Wuma you know, I am a good person,I am really very good.(掏出钱,塞到吴妈手中)You see,I’m good.


警察:Shit,I will kill you.


警察:哼 Wma,if you don’t go with me,I will kill you at once.

阿Q:You can’t hurt her.


阿Q:I am hurt,I am dying Wuma,but before I die,I will draw a picture for you.wait a moment.(冲到老板面前,嚎哭)Master,this is my last request.(忽然站立)Master I just want a big piece of paper.(甩开老板)Be quick!(倒向吴妈)

吴妈:阿Q,are you all right?

阿Q:咳嗽,Wuma, you know I am not a wolf.

吴妈:I know,I know.

阿Q:Wuma,Do you know,I love you very much?Wma。I just want you to be my wife,Ok?

吴妈:OK,I will be your wife.

阿Q:But Wuma,you know,I am very poor.

吴妈:I don’t care,I don’t care.


警察:Ah,this is a big pen.

老板:Ah,this is small paper.(跑开) And this is large paper,here you are.

阿Q:A big pen,OK!哼哼哈哈I will draw a picture for Wuma.


阿Q:Wuma,this is the only picture for you,Wuma I am dying,咳嗽Wuma!!!!倒地

警察:So Wuma, you just go with me!

老板:No Wuma, you just go with me!

警察:go with me..(你在这边)

老板:go with me

警察:Hahaq,This is my wife No.6.

吴妈,no,no,no,I don’t want go with you.

老板:Haha you see,poor people no right to live in this world and they do not have right to fall in love with the girl. What should I do now?Oh,I know(把尸体拖走)He is so heavy!



2024年招生 在线咨询










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